2016 Spring Carnival In Nain (Audio)

The Jens Haven Memorial 4-12 School will be holding their annual Spring Carnival again this year on April 7th and 8th.

We spoke with Kristine Nolan, the Junior High school teacher who organized the event.

She says all grades participate in the carnival but both schools have different games and events.

During Inuit games and the variety show, both schools will meet up.

On day 1 tomorrow, the scheduled events for the 4-12 school are as follows: school wide Easter egg hunt, opening ceremonies, gym events, and a snowy bingo after recess.

Outdoor relay races and an elimination game will take place in the afternoon.

Day 2 this Friday will consist of the Amazing JHMS Spring Carnival Race, and Inuit games after recess and both schools will participate at the 4-12 school gym.

The gym will be open to the public from 10:50 to 11:50 am.

The variety show and awards ceremony will be in the afternoon, and will be open to the public from 1 to 3 pm as well.

Click here to hear Nolan tell you more about the 2016 Annual JHMS Spring Carnival.