New Aircraft Addition To Air Labrador Flying High (Audio)

Air Labrador is flying the newest addition to their fleet to communities in Nunatsiavut today.

Philip Earle is the President and CEO for Air Labrador.

He says they now have refurbished aircraft flying to our communities, and will continue to make improvements in the fleet where opportunities exist.

They have added the hashtag ‪#‎createagoodday on this latest aircraft addition.

‬Many people have sent messages on Facebook to ask what this is all about.

According to Earle, Air Lab is giving you an opportunity to tell them what #createagoodday means to you.

When Air Labrador compiles all of the submissions, they will do a draw for a return airfare ticket.

Click here to hear as Earle give you more information on this new aircraft, and their createagoodday contest.