Nominations For Councillor Re-Opened

Nominations for one candidate for the Inuit Community council of the Community Government by- election for the municipality of Nain will be received between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm starting on April 14 and extending to April 21 at the NICG.

Nominations shall be in writing and shall state the name and residence of the candidate and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be present together with the candidate, who shall also sign signifying his/her acceptance of the nomination.

During the aforesaid dates with the exception of the days Saturday and Sunday.

The qualifications of a candidate for by-election for the Inuit Community Council are as follows:

-Eligible to be enrolled on the A voters roll in a by-election in the community in which he or she is nominated to serve as a Councillor.

– Canadian Citizen of the full age of 19 years.

-Ordinary resident in the community or area for at least six months prior to the date set for nomination.

The by-election, if required, will take place May 5, 2016 between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm at the polling booths to be located at the NICG office meeting room.