Voting Day for Ordinary Members Today

Beneficiaries are heading out to polling stations to vote for Ordinary Members in their respective communities on the north coast, including Upper Lake Melville (ULM), Mud Lake, North West River and the Canadian Constituency.

Beneficiaries in the community of Nain and Upper Lake Melville region can vote for two candidates.

Beneficiaries in the Canadian Constituency also chose two candidates;
they already voted with mail-in ballots.

Here‘s the list of Candidates running in your community:

Upper Lake Melville: Belinda Andersen, Gerald Asivak, Sharon Cormier, Marjorie Flowers, Rose Pamak, and Marlene Winters-Wheeler.

Nain: Jim Lyall, Henry Broomfield, and Tony Andersen.

Hopedale: Greg Flowers, James (Jim) Tuttauk, and Rachel Saunders.

Postville: Tyler Edmunds and Glen Sheppard.

Rigolet: Carlene Palliser and Charlotte Wolfrey.

Canada: Edward Blake-Rudkowski, Selina Adams, Lela Evans, Roland Saunders, and Charlotte Winters-Fost.

The Polling Stations were open at 8 am and close at 8 pm tonight.

People in ULM can cast their vote at the Labrador Friendship Center.

People in North West River can vote at the Community Centre.

Voters on the North Coast can cast their ballots at the following locations:

In Nain at the Fire Hall,

Hopedale at the Inuit Community Government Office, Council Chambers,

Postville at the Recreation Hall,

And in Rigolet at the Strathcona Building.

OKâlaKatiget Radio will be on the air tonight at 8 when the polls close.

We will be on air until the election results are in.
2018 Eligible voters:

Total: approx 5500

Canadian Constituency: approx 2000

Nain: 828

Hopedale: 437

Postville: 151

Makkovik: 235

Rigolet: 257

ULM: 1359