The After School Program in Nain will be having an End of the Year Picnic at the “Big” Playground for the kids.
Today Wednesday, June 26, 2019 there will be a picnic for kid’s ages 8-12 years old, and tomorrow Thursday, June 27, 2019 will be a picnic for kids ages 5-7.
Children are welcome to bring a snack of their choice.
Sandwiches, Cupcakes, and Rice Crispy Squares, along with a Jammer will be provided.
They will also have a few relay races and free play at the playground.
They ask that parents are to please drop your children off at the playground after school, and pick up is still at 4:45pm.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Acting Afterschool Program Supervisor from Monday-Friday from 2-5pm at 922-2690/2691.