The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership will be offering the Camp Attendant training in Hopedale in the New Year.
Ocean Lane is the LATP Career Counsellor for the North Coast and her office is located in Makkovik.
She says the Camp Attendant training will take place in Hopedale on January 26th, 2020 and will end on February 6th, 2020.
To apply for this 11 day program, you must fill out the application form.
They have 12 seats available for anyone who would like to complete this program.
Lane says although the seating is limited in Hopedale, they may also be offering this training in other communities in the near future if there is a big interest.
For more information or to apply, please contact the LATP Career Counsellor, Ocean Lane by email at: or you can call her office in Makkovik at (709) 923-2313.
You can also get in touch with someone at the head office in Happy Valley-Goose Bay office at (709) 896-3500.