Harvesting on Labrador Inuit Lands

Non-Beneficiaries are required to obtain permission from the Nunatsiavut Government to harvest wildlife and plants on Labrador Inuit Lands unless their interests are accommodated under the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement or an overlap agreement.

Applicants are required to produce the relevant federal and provincial license, when necessary, before a permit to access Labrador Inuit Lands can be approved.

Applicants are also required to follow laws of general application regarding open seasons, beg limits, etc.

The permit also allows a Non-Beneficiary to harvest wildlife and plants including domestic firewood in Labrador Inuit Lands. Harvesting of wildlife and plants in Labrador Inuit Lands for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Non-Beneficiaries requesting a permit to access Labrador Inuit Lands for harvesting purposes must complete an application form and submit it to an authorized Nunatsiavut Government employee for review.

A $20 cash fee is required upon approval of a permit to access. The fee may be waived in some instances. For further information, please contact your local Nunatsiavut Government office.

Labrador Inuit Lands are privately-owned by Labrador Inuit and managed by the Nunatsiavut Government. Labrador Inuit have exclusive harvesting rights for wildlife and plants in Labrador Inuit Lands.