Beneficiaries Working at Voisey’s Bay Can Vote

The Nunatsiavut Government Elections Officer wishes to advise Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement who work at Voisey’s Bay of the following Voting Procedures:

– Beneficiaries from Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik, Rigolet and Upper Lake Melville who start a two-week rotation at Voisey’s Bay from April 20-25 will only have the option of voting by mail-in ballots in the May 3 election for Ordinary Members.

– To obtain a mail-in ballot, please contact the Elections Office at 709-896-5222 or by emailing to obtain an application for a mail-in ballot.

Advance polls will be held in all constituencies on April 25, from 8 am to 8 pm.