Health says indicators suggest the province may have reached the peak in terms of the Omicron outbreak.
Health Minister, John Haggie suggested the same earlier this week.
As of last Wednesday, there were 47 people in the hospital due to COVID–19. 9 who are in critical condition. That’s the highest number hospitalizations at one time since the pandemic began.
The province reported 4 more deaths last Wednesday as a result of COVID-19.
Both the BA-1 and BA-2 sublimities of the Omicron variant have been identified among random sampling of positive PCR tests.
The BA-1 and BS-2 sublimities of the Omicron variant have been identified among samplings of positive PCR tests The BA-2 version of Omicron is more transmissible than BA-1, but does not result in more severe illness.
Chief Medical Officer of Health, Janice Fitzgerald says the modelling is primarily on a sampling PCR tests of people who are in 60 base, and the number of of hospitalizations – not just those who are admitted because of the virus but those admitted for other reasons who happen to have the virus. These indicators suggest to the modeling team that we may have missed the peak, but Fitzgerald you’ve only known you reached the peak once it passed.