NL Hospitalizations Jump By 8

NL is reporting a spike in COVID-19 in it’s first May update.

Since last Friday, April 29, the hospitalizations jumped 50 percent- 16 on Friday to 24 today Monday. There are 3 people in critical care, and down 1 Friday.

The province also had another death due COVID-19, a person 80 years old or older in Western Health Region. There now have been 165 COVID-19 deaths in the province with nearly one third of those – 54 – last month alone.

The Health Department is also reporting 197 new cases since Friday’s update- 103 on Friday, 29 Saturday and 65 on Monday.

These numbers, though, are not a true indication of spread is also reporting 197 new cases since last Friday, 29 on Sunday and 65 on Monday.

Those numbers, though, are not true indication of the spread of COVID-19is no longer data on how many people are being tested and is restricting PCR testing.