You can start your fundraising project. Here are some fundraising ideas from Janeway’s booklet:
Sell children’s Miracle Network.
Theme Day in your school or office.
Recycling collection.
Ticket Raffles.
Games of Chance.
Flea market Garage Sales.
Bake sale/Lemon aid stand.
Marathon and Concert.
Once you are ready to start project in support of the Janeway in your community, please contact Phyllis Kinsmen, Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation and share your idea and contact information with them. They can help you get started and offer some support.
After your event, they kindly ask you to fill out this summary form and submit it with your donations. Fundraising Form.
You can contact Phyllis Kinsman, Manager, Communications and Events by email at, or call her at 709-777-4264.