Newfoundland and Labrador has recorded 12 new deaths due to COVID-19 since the last pandemic update.
The provincial Health Department, in its biweekly COVID-19 update, announced seven new deaths for the two-week reporting period of Feb. 26-March 11, but data in the regional and age breakdowns province’s COVID-19 website reveals 12 new deaths.
Since the provincial government moved to biweekly pandemic updates, the number of announced new deaths has been consistently underreported.
The Health Department says the discrepancy is due to deaths that were reported since the last update but which happened before the two-week reporting period.
Four of the new deaths were in the Eastern Health area, seven were in Central Health area and one was in Labrador-Grenfell Health.
By age, five people were 80 years old or older, five were in their 70s, one was in their 60s and one was in their 50s.
The new deaths raise Newfoundland and Labrador’s total since the pandemic began to 333, with 38 reported in 2023.
Public Health also reported 19 new hospitalizations in the two-week period, including four that required critical care.
Story Courtesy of the CBC Newfoundland and Labrador.