Officials hope that $70 million in funding earmarked for affordable housing over the next three years will help to ease backlogs and demand.
The provincial government expects to issue a call for proposals in the next month or so for 850 new affordable rental units in the province with a specific focus on seniors’ housing.
Minister Responsible for NL Housing, John Abbott says the current wait list for NL Housing units is lengthy.
He says there are over 2,000 on their wait list, but he says with rental supplements available, they’re hoping more people will be eligible to get affordable housing in the private market.
Executive Director of Seniors NL, Kelly Heisz calls it the biggest build in affordable housing in a long time. She says demand is high right across the province.
She says demand in rural and remote areas is high, as well as in more heavily populated areas outside the metro region including Corner Brook, Springdale, Grand Falls-Windsor, and “especially Labrador.”
Story courtesy of VOCM.