OK Radio contacted each of the north coast community freezers to see what they have.
The Nain community freezer is now open and they only have partridges at the moment.
The Hopedale community freezer has partridges and moose meat to distribute.
The Makkovik community freezer has cod fish and arctic char available.
Postville’s community freezer has cod fish and a few arctic char, some ground beef, pork chops, and chicken.
AngajukKâk Glenn Sheppard of Postville says they’ll hopefully have some caribou and musk ox available in the near future for the community freezer.
Sheppard also says they also got a food pantry available to the community and was restocked yesterday with dry goods.
People of Postville can get their needs daily from the community freezer.
Rigolet’s community freezer opens to the public once every 2 weeks, so people went and got what they needed yesterday.
They have cod loins, crab claws, scallops, shrimp, pork roast, and beef blade roast to offer to the community. The next date it’ll open is April 11th to the public.