Nain LATP Update

An update on LATP funding opportunities in Nain.
Leah Blake, LATP councillor based out of Nain, will be traveling to Rigolet for an open house tomorrow, Wednesday August 16 to Thursday August 17, weather permitting. This will be about what kind of funding LATP offers and programs funded by LATP.

They will meet VALE there, who will also have an open house about the programs they have coming up in the future.

LATP will have 12 applications for their next Safety Training bundle, coming up in either September/October, there are only 3 more seats available. If you would like to apply, please pick up an application or email a request for an application to

They will be having Camp attendant training sometime this fall also, and details will come later.

And just for a reminder, Underground Mine training in Sudbury, Ontario, will start October 30, if you are interested, please pick up an application as soon as possible. This is a 5-week training program provided by Nor cat in Sudbury.

Leah Blake also helps with resumes, if you would like to drop by her office. She is located at the old LIDC building on 2 Morhardt Road, next to OKâlaKatiget Society. Her contact information is:
Nain, NL
P.O Box 179
A0P 1L0
Phone: 709-922-1800
Fax: 709-922-180