Summer Recreation Programs in Nain

This is that last week for the Nain Recreation Programming.

There are many events planned throughout the week.

Events such as:
This morning there was a rock and canvas painting for ages 4 to 7
This afternoon from one to five, for ages 8 to 12 there is a soft ball game going on.

Tomorrow: from 9:am to 12:pm for ages 8 to 12, cup cake making, Merchandise bingo and free time at the gym.

Wednesday afternoon for ages 4 to 7, they will meet at the Jeremias Sillitt Center to head to the new dam for a paddle boat event, and a barbeque for both age groups.

On Thursday: from 9:am to 12:pm for ages 4 to 7 there will be Inuit games.
Thursday afternoon for ages 8 to 12 paddle boat at the new dam with a barbeque and this event will be for both groups.

On Friday at 9:am to 12:pm there will be capture the flag, dodge ball and a scavenger hunt and these events will be taking place at the gymnasium.

And Friday afternoon for both age groups 4 to 7 and 8 to 12, relay races will take place at the play gound.

Gwendolyn Dyson is the After School Program Supervisor for the Nain Inuit Community Government.

She says that there were 10 students hired on this summer for this summers events. They include: Serenity Ivany, Kaleb Dicker, John Dicker, Menzel Lidd, Abby Tuglavina, Caleb Obed, Michael Obed, Denzel Dicker and Sam Webb.