Nain and Makkovik Fish Plant Updates

OKâlaKatiget Radio contacted both the Torngat Fish Producers Cooperative offices in Makkovik and Nain forupdates.

Angel Chaulk is the Clerk at the Makkovik Fish Plant.

She says right now they landed 304,472lb of turbot.

They currently have 3 active boatswith 24 employees working, 4 of which are students.

The Makkovik fish plant are Currently selling scallops, smoked char and fresh char.

Chaulk says they are selling scallops for $20 a lbs., smoked fish at $20 a lbs. and fresh fillets for $12 a lbs.

And at the Nain fish plant we spoke with Deidi Kohlmeister, the Office Supervisor.

She says right now they are doing their weekly cleanup at the plant.

They have 6 workers working.

And available to purchase at the Nain fish plant are smoked char, scallops, and fresh fillets.

Kohlmeister says scallops are sold at $19 a lbs., smoked fish are sold at $16.50 and fresh fillets are sold at $11.50.