Hopedale Language Nest Registration

Inuaggualuit is an Inuttitut immersion program for ages 3 months to 2 years old.

An immersion program is a method of teaching language both infants and parents/ caregivers are immersed into an Inuttitut speaking environment only.

2 infants will be chosen to attend Inuaggualuit. This is to maintain consistency in the learning environment for both infant and parents/ caregivers.

Registration is being held in Hopedale today, Monday, September 11, 2023 until 4:30 PM at the NDHSD Inuaggualuit centre.

Once both children are selected, the program will be starting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

If you have any questions you can call Amiee Lane, Language Nest Manager at 709 933 3894 ext 232.