President giving his thanks to Tony Andersen

Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe today expressed his deepest appreciation to Tony Andersen for his many years of dedicated service in championing the causes and addressing the concerns of Labrador Inuit.

“Mr. Andersen has been an invaluable asset to the Nunatsiavut Government as well as the former Labrador Inuit Association. His dedication, commitment, and passion for serving Labrador Inuit have left an indelible mark,” said President Lampe. In addition to his dedication and commitment, Mr. Andersen’s uncanny sense of humor often helped put things into perspective, earning him high regard among his colleagues and constituents.

“With his unique wit, Tony often lightened our meetings with his humorous take on things. His ability to find humor in the most serious discussions not only eased the tension but also provided us with a fresh perspective on many issues.”

Mr. Andersen’s contributions spanned several decades, during which he played a pivotal role in shaping policies and initiatives that have significantly benefited Labrador Inuit, added President Lampe.

“His wisdom and advice have been instrumental in our decision-making processes. His insights have often guided us through some very difficult times, helping us make decisions that were in the best interest of all Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement.”

Today marks the end of Mr. Andersen’s service as an Ordinary Member for Nain in the Nunatsiavut Assembly.