Nain, Makkovik, Hopedale Community freezers update

We contacted all the Community Freezers along the coast for an update.

In Nain we spoke with Frederic Dwyer Samuel the Environmental Assessment Manager, with the Nain Community Freezer.

He says in Nain, they have some char for residents to take as of today, and they just ran out of seal meat this morning.

The Nain community freezer open from 9am-12. And 1pm-430pm.

And for the Makkovik Community Freezer, we spoke with the Angajukak Barry Andersen.

He says they have some Char and cod fish available for the residents of the community, they are open from 9am-12, and open again from 1-430pm.

And as for the Hopedale Community Freezer as of this morning, we spoke to
Matilda Dicker.

She says that they have some Caribou available as well as cod fish and limited dried goods.