LATP Safety training bundle starts today in Hopedale

The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership office in Hopedale are holding their Safety bundle training today.

We spoke with Georgia Abel the NG Career Counsellor for Hopedale.

Abel says those who applied for the safety bundle training, training will be held today Monday October 16th at the Nanuk Center.

Clients are asked to please attend to all safety training.

The camp attendant training is postponed until further notice.

She says right now they have 12 confirmed applicants enrolled for the Safety Training bundle and LATP are still looking for 3 more clients to take part.

Training is held by DMC and will finish on Friday October 20, 2023.

Abel says they have 10 applicants who applied for the Camp Attendant training, and they are looking for 10 applicants to take part, seats are limited.

She adds that Clients can come by to her office for resume and cover letters.

Abel says her Office is always open for people to pick up applications or to find out about LATP services.

You can also call her office at 933-3367 or by email at