Andersen resigns from Nunatsiavut Executive Council

Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe announced on October 3, 2023, that Tony Andersen has resigned from his positions as Minister of Education and Economic Development and Acting Minister of Language, Culture, and Tourism.

“Mr. Andersen has decided to step down as Minister for personal reasons,” stated President Lampe. “I respect Mr. Andersen’s decision and am grateful for his significant contributions to the Nunatsiavut Executive Council over his many years of service as a Minister.”

Effective immediately, Tom Evans, Minister of Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology, will serve as the Acting Minister of Education and Economic Development.

As well, First Minister Melva Williams will assume the added responsibilities of Acting Minister of Language, Culture, and Tourism.

Mr. Andersen continues to serve as an Ordinary Member for Nain in the Nunatsiavut Assembly.