Apology being planned to Nunatsiavut residential school survivors in Hopedale

Apology being planned to Nunatsiavut residential school survivors in Hopedale.

Nunatsiavut Government says no specific dates have been set for Hopedale or other Inuit communities.

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey is set to deliver an apology to Nunatsiavut residential school survivors in November in Hopedale, according to a social media post by the Nunatsiavut Government’s Department of Health and Social Development.

The Nunatsiavut Government says nothing has been confirmed, including the dates of the apology or details of any potential apologies in other Inuit communities.

In the post, the department said Furey was considering the first few days of November for the apology.

The post was later deleted, replaced by a version that made no mention of potential dates.

The department said a community meeting will be held Thursday night to discuss details on who would accept the apology in Hopedale.

A black graphic with white writing reads “Attention Hopedale residential school survivors. You are invited to a meeting this evening (Thursday) at the Department of Health and Social Development multi-purpose room, beginning at 7 p.m. The purpose of this gathering is to discuss and determine who would accept an upcoming apology from Premier Andrew Furey on behalf of the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Please note that no specific dates have been set for the Premier’s apology in Hopedale, or other Labrador Inuit communities, as details are still being worked out. Your presence and input are vital in this process.
The Nunatsiavut government’s Department of Health and Social Development updated a Facebook post to remove the suggestion of the first few days of November being considered for the apology.

The apology to Nunatsiavut survivors in Hopedale would be the second this fall.