Bell Let’s Talk Contest Day 2 (Audio)

Nain DHSD is holding a contest for Bell Let’s Talk Day until January 26th, 2022 for mental wellness.

Elsie Russell is the Mental Health and Addictions worker.

She says anyone who would like to participate are asked to write 3 things that you find uplifting.

Every entry with #belletstalknain is an entry to win one of the 3 prizes:

1. 75-inch pelican sled
2. Gas certificate of $100
3. Gas certificate of $50

Bell Let’s Talk Day this year is Supporting Ourselves and Each Other.

Russell adds that this is open to all ages, and entries can be posted in the comments on the Nain DHSD Nunatsiavut Facebook page.

Click here to find out more.

Please note that promo items can also be found at Frank’s and the Post Office that includes a poster, hat, self-care activity, wrist band, banners, and a keychain.