Caribou Consultation Meetings

Staff from the Environment climate change Canadian wildlife services will be traveling to the north coast communities this month.

They will be holding Caribou Consultation Meetings in Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik North West River, Sheshatshiu and Natuashish.

They will be speaking with all Nunatsiavut community members to discuss the proposed listing of the Torngat mountains caribou population and the Eastern migratory caribou population, which also includes the George River herd as an endangered species.

The committee on the status of endangered wildlife in Canada recently assessed each population as endangered, and the federal government is considering adding these populations to the list of at risk species under the federal species at risk act, or also known as ‘SARA’.

The meetings will be a space to share information and knowledge about caribou, as well as learn about the species at risk act, and what would happen if the caribou populations are listed.

Before Christmas, Canadian wildlife service biologists visited Rigolet, Postville and Goose bay to talk with Nunatsiavut members.

Over the next week they will be visiting Makkovik on March 6 at the Community Hall starting at 6pm and in Nain on March 11 at the Nunatsiavut Government boardroom and in Hopedale on March 13 at the Nunatsiavut Government building, courtroom.