Coastal Christmas hampers/vouchers

Every year, communities on the north coast help their community members before the Christmas Holidays.

Food hampers or Christmas food Vouchers are handed out before Christmas.

This is a great way to spread the Christmas spirit and to help those in need.

They are given to low income families, seniors, and to single parents.

We contacted each community to find out what they are doing this year to help families in need for this year.

In Nain, we spoke with Team Leader, Edna Winters with the Nain DHSD.

She says they are giving out Food Vouchers and are still in the process of receiving money donations from different organizations.

The Christmas vouchers can only be used at the Franks store.

In Hopedale, the ICG will be handing out their vouchers on Monday, December 23rd, 2019.

In Rigolet we spoke with Reverend Sarah Baikie.

She says the Rigolet church will be giving out Christmas vouchers this year and should be handed out sometime soon.

Baikie says whoever is in need of a voucher this year can call to put their name forward.

And in Postville, we spoke with Glenda Sheppard who is the Assistant Town clerk.

She says the town office will be handing out various donations this week that will be allocated to seniors, low income families, and each donation amount will vary.

In Makkovik, we spoke with Carol Gear to find out what their community will be doing this year for Christmas.

She says the Pantry Wood Box Committee will be handing out food hampers this year for residence in Makkovik.

And this year, the NG is contacting homes for seniors and low income families because each home is different, and the Pantry Wood Box committee will be handing out the donations to those who need help this year.

The HVGB DHSD will be handing out a Christmas hamper to one family this year.

We spoke with Kelly Jacobs who is the Community Health Worker.

She says each year, they sponsor a low income beneficiary family and who has a low income in their community.

The DHSD staff has been collecting food items since November and December to hand out this Christmas donation to the family.

Right now, they currently have 3 big boxes of food and a big box of presents that will be delivered to the family on Friday, December 20th, 2019.

The HVGB DHSD has been doing this for the past 10 years to help a family in need during the holidays.

On behalf of the OKâlaKatiget Society, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.