Coastal ICG Updates

We were in contact with each of the Angajukâk in Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik and Nain for an update within their communities.

Marjorie Flowers is the Angajukâk for Hopedale.

She says there is not a whole lot going on, they are still short staffed, very limited on programming at the Nanuk Center.

Flowers says the Capital work projects are ongoing, they are in the second stage of upgrading the distribution building pump house, this project should be done this fall and they are also doing the mechanical part.

Right now, they are putting water and sewer in at the town garage and there is opportunity for Woodwards and hydro to connect to sewer line, they are also putting another bay in the town garage, this will be put on hold until next year, but the tender is gone out.

Flowers would like to say a big thank you to the Rhubarb committee for their hard work and dedication.

Right now, they have 5 summer students hired on, 2 with the recreation department, 2 doing clean ups around town and 1 as an office assistance.

Angajukâk would like to inform Hopedale residence that they apologize about programming at the Nanuk Center, they are hoping to get the positions filled soon, there is still programming but not as much as it should be.

At the Postville ICG, we spoke with Angajukâk Diane Gear.

She says right now in their community freezer, they have a few bags of smelts and a few char but they have some food items from Shepards Variety.

Gear adds that with their Capital work projects, they are hoping to have something on the go this summer: the geological study on their sand pit and the break water engineering study, they are doing some work on the board walk, they started the project last year and are hoping it will be done in the fall.
She adds there are no make works projects.

Gear adds right now they have full staff, Tanya Osmond is their chief administration officer, Brandy Jacque town clerk and Pamela Webb is the assistant town clerk. They also have one summer student with the recreation department,
Gear would like to wish everyone a happy summer.

In Makkovik we spoke with Barry Andersen Angajukâk of Makkovik.

He says right now with the Capital works projects, the north sewer outfall was completed by Budgells in late July. They are waiting on the contractor to install the playground equipment in early September.

Andersen says right now they have 8 summer students hired on: 1 with the garage crew, 6 are with the Makkovik recreation and 1 with the Town office.

We also spoke with Angajukâk Joe Dicker of Nain for an update.

He says there is not much on the go as of yet, they are doing cemetery work and the building of the bridge, and they are waiting to hear back from the auditors this week.

Dicker says they got the colonization system at trouser lake built into the system inside and needs to be separated, a new generator at the water tank, more updates will be available next week.

Construction on the new bridge is underway, and should be starting soon, funding came from Nunatsiavut Government.

They will start tearing down the bridge and hopefully by this month there will be a new bridge put in place.

Angajukâk Dicker would like to inform Nain residence to not use the wooden bridge as they need the area until the work is completed on the new bridge.

We will have another update from the Angajukâk of Rigolet, Chesley Sheppard once available.