Come Home Year Events in HVGB

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Come Home Year.

The 2023 Come Home Year events are on going in Happy Valley Goose Bay.

The come home year began on July 28 and will end on August 13, 2023.

They began their event with a concert with Beatrice deer band, and a special guests at the EJ Broomfield Arena on Saturday July 29.

On July 30, they held a cultural day at the Kinsmen Park, featuring music, food and fashion show.

This Saturday August 5, the 50th anniversary dinner and dance will be happening at the Canuck club.

And on Wednesday August 9 the Town Council and Staff will be holding a reunion.

On Friday August 11 they will have a drive-in movie night at the Bethel Pentecostal church.

And they will end their Come Home year events with a concert with the Flummies with special guests at the EJ Broomfield Arena.

For more information you can call the Town Council at 896-5427 or by email at: