Today (Monday, June 7), Newfoundland and Labrador has two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Central Health region. Contact tracing by Public Health is underway and anyone considered a close contact has been advised to quarantine.
The first new confirmed case is a female between 50-59 years of age. The case is related to travel within Canada.
The second new confirmed case is a male between 60-69 years of age. The case is related to travel within Canada.
There are no new recoveries and 1,274 people have recovered. There are two people in hospital due to COVID-19.
There are 70 active cases of COVID-19 in the province. The regional breakdown of the 70 active cases is as follows:
· Eastern Health – 9
· Central Health – 24
· Labrador-Grenfell Health – 0
· Western Health – 37
To date, 150,792 people have been tested.