Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 13, 2018.
OK Radio contacted all of the Department of Health and Social Development’s (DHSD’s) along the coast to see what they will be offering the mothers in their communities.
In Goose Bay, they will be having a Mother’s Day Tea Drop-In for mothers only on Friday, May 11 at the DHSD on 14 Corte Real Road, beginning at 1 pm.
Transportation is also provided upon request.
In Rigolet, the DHSD will host a Mother’s Day barbeque at the community hall on May 11th at 12 noon.
The meal will consist of barbecued chicken and salads on the side; dessert will be given out to the mothers as well.
A slideshow will be running, and the mothers will also be given a pair of breast cancer socks; there will be games to play too.
In Makkovik, the DHSD will have a Mother’s Day dinner at 12 noon on Friday, May 11th as well.
It will be held at the Community Hall.
All mothers, grandmothers and children are welcome to attend.
The DHSD in Postville will be hosting a Mother’s Day Café on Friday, May 11th at 6:30 pm.
In Hopedale, the DHSD will be having a Brunch consisting of toast, eggs, bacon sausage, etc. at 12 noon on May 14 at the afterschool program building.
Afterwards, the DHSD team will be hosting a spa for the mothers.
In honour of Mother’s Day, Nain DHSD will host a Mother’s Day Dinner on Monday, May 14th from 12 to 1 pm in the DHSD Multi-Purpose Room.
This is for Mothers and Mothers-to-be only, as space is limited.
If you have any questions about the Nain DHSD Mother’s Day event, please call Shirley Jararuse or Jane Merkuratsuk at 709-922-2126.