Easter Schedule

Here is the schedule for the 2022 Anniavia-Makkivia Easter Special Moravian Church Services here in Nain:

Please note that the OKalaKatiget Radio will not be doing the Sunday Programs during the Easter Break

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 9th, OK Radio will be aiting the 7pm Allalirinik Reading.

On Sunday, April 10th, we will only be airing the 10am OKalajuk- Litururgy 4. And Allalirinik-Hosanna will be at 5pm.

On Monday, April 11th, there will be services at 5pm and 7pm.

OK Radio will also be airing the services at 5pm and 7pm on Tuesday, April 12th.

On Wednesday, April 13th, OK Radio will be off the air that day.

Maundy Thursday, April 14th, there will be services at 9am, 11am, 5pm and 7pm for Holy Communion

Good Friday, April 15th, OK Radio will be off the air.

On Saturday, April 16th, will be SerKutuvik Prayer, starting at 7pm

OK Radio will be off the air Easter Sunday, April 17th.

There will be a service at 10am, the Love Feast will be at 3pm and the closing service will be at 5pm on Monday, April 18th.