The traditional young women’s day is coming up this Wednesday March 6, 2019.
OK radio spoke with Silpa Suarak who is the captain for young women’s day.
Suarak says there are sixteen girls who will be having their young women’s day and nine of those girls, who will be having their first young women’s day.
Their cook will be Mae Flowers and Margaret Metcalfe is the cook’s helper. Their helpers will be Abele Ikkusek and Joshua Jack.
Suarak says they recently had a donation of eight hundred dollars from the Nigivik Centre for the food and they will be going around to the stores to get a few more items needed.
Suarak also says they could not find any big space close to the moravian church to celebrate the young women’s day so they will be celebrating up to the Jeremias Sillett community centre.
There will be another meeting for the girl’s today March 4 2019 at 4pm at the Nunatsiavut government building.