Government of Canada CERB

The Government of Canada had outlined when you should be applying for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) today, Monday, April 6th.

This was put into place to ease online traffic and avoid system crashes as millions of Canadians try to access funds.

They are as follows: for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit:

If you were born in January, February or March you can apply for this benefit on Mondays
If you were born in April, May or June apply on Tuesday
If you were born in July, August or September you can apply on Wednesdays
If you were born in October, November or December you can apply on Thursdays
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are for everyone

The application system to process claims for emergency income support benefits due to the COVID-19 crisis has opened, reportedly without a hitch. But the federal government is facing some criticism for designing a program that disqualifies some people in need, including students or people who work reduced hours.

Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough’s office said Monday that everything seemed to be going smoothly in the first few hours of the portal opening for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), which is being managed by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Hundreds of thousands of applications are expected to flood the system in the coming week, and the system is prepared to handle millions of claims.

We will have more coverage on this once available.