Heritage Fair in Hopedale

Hopedale pulled off and celebrated yet another memorable Heritage Fair this year, despite having high active cases of COVID-19 in their community.

The Ethel Memorial Dog Team Race went ahead on April 24th, 2022 with 3 placed winners. 1st place was Gregory Flowers of Hopedale, 2nd place was Herbert Pijogge of Hopedale, and 3rd place was Andreas Jararuse of Hopedale.

They also awarded the racers with the best-looking dog team to Herbert Pijogge.

Another exciting event that placed 3 winners over the weekend, was the ice fishing contest. With rules that included to only fish inside Hopedale’s boundaries and vicinity.

The 3 lucky winners with the biggest catch on April 23rd, 2022 was Leah Flowers who came 1st, 2nd place was Piercy Boase, and 3rd place was Ben Winters.