The 2021 High Efficiency Woodstove Replacement Program is a one-time program, open to residents of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, and Rigolet, who are beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claim Agreement who meet the requirements of the program.
It is open to all households that meet the program requirements and make less than $100,000 a year will receive a high efficiency woodstove for free. All costs covered by the program.
Households that meet the program requirements and make more than $100,000 are still able to qualify for a woodstove but will need to pay 25% of the stove and installation costs.
For an application, please contact your local Community Liaison Officer:
In Nain – Rutie Dicker at 922-2942 ext. 222 or email her at
In Hopedale – Ethel Hunter at 933-3777 ext. 231 or email her at
In Makkovik – Carol Gear at 923-2365 ext. 201 or email her at
In Postville – Betty Vincent at 479-9880 ext. 221 or email her at
In Rigolet – Paula McLean Sheppard at 479-3383 ext. 206, or you can email her at
Reminder that this month is the last month to submit your applications, can be sent to