The Kamutik W commenced its services to the north coast on Sunday, June 13th for the summer season.
The freight office hours are from Monday to Wednesday from 8am to 5pm, on Thursdays from 8am to 7pm, on Fridays from 8am to 5pm, and Saturday and Sundays are closed.
Freight shipped will be forwarded to coastal communities on a first-in and first-out basis.
Oldest freight will be moved first with priority given to food and general supplies for the communities served.
Please be advised that due to limited space, reservations will only be booked for local passengers travelling on the northern Labrador route, Goose Bay to Nain and return.
Residents of the following communities are the only passengers who will be accommodated for travel: Rigolet, Makkovik, Postville, Hopedale, Natuashish, Nain, Goose Bay, Sheshashiu, North West River and Black Tickle.
For departures from the coastal communities, all passengers who wish to travel on the Kamutik W must call to book a space by 6pm on the day prior to departure and confirmed available, a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 per reservation is required.
For departures from Goose-Bay you will need to book a space by 6pm on Fridays for northbound trips.
Ensure you book a vehicle if you have one as this is required for load planning, if you arrive with a vehicle and haven’t booked it, you will not be accommodated.