Labrador Friendship center Food bank update

The Labrador Friendship Center Food bank is open from 8am to 4pm each day.

Located at the 49 Grenfell St, in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

We spoke with Lillian Dyson who is Recipient and food bank helper.

Dyson says the food bank is open to beneficiaries and services to Labrador City, HVGB, Sheshatshiu and Mud Lake.

She adds that the intake forms and data entry forms must be completed, and you must have a valid MCP card to enroll.

Families who call in to the Labrador Friendship center are asked to call from 8:30am to 11am and food distribution is held from 2-4pm.

Family and individuals can access the food bank once a month.

Dyson adds that the donations come from everywhere, local people, local businesses, and from Labrador City.

She adds that they also hold a Housing Compromised to help homeless people, which includes a bag with fork, knife, spoon, and a cup but juice, milk, and cookies.

Client intake has increased for the Food bank from 70 families to 170 families.

If you or your family would like to get access to the food bank you must call the friendship center from 8:30 am to 11am at 709-896-8302 ext.: 201 to have your name listed and you must pick up between 2-4pm.