LATP Office in Hopedale

The LATP office in Hopedale are now accepting applications.

Georgia Abel is the Nunatsiavut Career Counsellor for the Hopedale office.

She says they are accepting applications for the Safety bundle training.

The tentative date is set for September 18 to the 22nd, 2023.

She adds that they can have a max of 15 clients to apply for the safety training bundle.

The safety bundle will include Standard First Aid, Fall Protection, WHMIS,
Back Injury Protection, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Powerline Hazard.

If you would like to take part in the safety training, please pick up an application form at her office.

Abel says on December 2, 2023, they will be holding the Camp Attendant training.

The LATP is also funding any Trades programs such as the Underground Mining in Sudbury Ontario, Welder, Construction, Industry Electrician, Blaster, Business Management, Office and Business administration just to name a few.

For more information you can contact Georgia Able at her office at 933-3367.