LATP Office in Hopedale

The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership office in Hopedale are still accepting applications for the safety bundle training.

We spoke with Georgia Abel the Nunatsiavut Career Counsellor.

She says for those who picked up applications for the safety bundle training, please fill out the application as soon as possible, and hand it back to her.

Right now, she has received 6 applications for the safety training.

And there are 15 seats available, if they go over the limit there will be a wait list.

For anyone who has applications for underground mining please come to the office to fill out more paperwork.

Keep in mind, NORCAT can only take 6 miners at a time.

So, if you aren’t selected for this term your application will still be in line for another upcoming underground mining training.

Anyone interested in filling out wage subsidy applications can come and get more information at my office.

In order to qualify for funding from LATP you must be unemployed or under-employed,Also, a clear code of conduct.

For more information you can contact her by email: and her phone number is 709-933-3367.