Makkovik and Postville ICG’s

OKâlaKatiget Radio reached out to the coastal Inuit Community Government’s office for a community update.

Last week we were in contactwith the Nain ICG for updates, and now we have an update with the Makkovik and Postville ICGs.

In Makkovik we spoke with Angajukâk Barry Andersen.

He says the town is doing a community clean up, cleaning of the ditches and willows, and the contractors will be coming to town on September 25, 2023, to set up the playground near the Makkovikarena area.

There is also contract work being done in town by Nunatsiavut Government Construction on the multiplex buildings.

Andersen says that there are no other projects on the go, and with the Torngat Fisheries Cooperative fish plant they are still taking turbot in, he also mentions that the sewer project was completed in July of this year.

We also spoke with Diane Gear, Angajukâk of Postville.

Gear says there is nothing on the go as of right now, and that this summer was areally slow summer.