Makkovik’s 34th Annual Trout Festival

Yesterday we aired the morning events for day 7 of the Makkovik’s 34th Annual Trout Festival.

This after noon they are holding the family scavenger hunt for all ages from 3-4pm, with a family bundle prize.

From 3-5pm they have their Mary Voisey Memorial Bingo at the arena, with cards for sale, and bingo starting 6pm.

At 8-9pm they have the teens minute to win it for ages 12-19 with snack provided at the youth centre.

On Saturday, August 12 is the last day for the Trout Festival.

At 10am they will have their homemade mini boat race for ages 12 and under starting at the 2nd pump house and ending at the swimming hole, with 1st prize of $75, 2nd prize of $50, and 3rd prize of 25. Your boats must have your name on it.

Starting 1-2pm they have capture the flag at the ball field for all ages.

For the Annual Carol Dyson Best Smoked Fish and Best Dessert, prizes are $50 for both contests. Entries for the best smoked fish, and best dessert can be dropped off at the gym between 1-2pm.

5pm they will have their Trout Festival supper, plates are $5. Prizes will be given out after supper, with live entertainment.

For the trout fest fashion show their theme this year is sea creatures with a prize of $100.

To end off the Trout Festival they will have a dance for ages 19+ starting 10:30-1am at the gym with live entertainment by the Hoodlums. The dance theme this year is the 80’s, with $20 admission, and a $100 prize for best dressed. please note that you must be 19 or older to attend the dance.