Nain and Makkovik Fish Plant Updates

Here is another update within the Makkovik and Nain Fish Plants.

Angel Chaulk is the Clerk for the Makkovik Fish Plant.

She says the Makkovik facility will stop purchasing turbot this Saturday, September 9th at 12 noon.

There are 2 active boats out fishing, and today they landed 342,153lb of turbot with 17 employees left working.

Right now, they are currently sold out of scallops and smoked char, but they are expecting to have more soon.

If you have any questions, please call the Makkovik fish plant 709-923-2230.

We also spoke with Deidi Kohlmeister, the Supervisor for Nain Fish Plant.

Kohlmeister says right no they have 4 employees left to do cleaning.

She adds that they have scallops, smoked fish, and char fillets for sale.

Their hours of work are from Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.