Nain Easter Games

The children’s ice games were supposed to take place on Nain harbor today, but due to the weather have been moved inside to the Jeremias Sillitt Community Centre (JSCC).

There will be many games played from 1 to 3pm.

From 7 to 10pm, Inuit games for adults ages 13 years and older will be at the JSCC.

Also a Easter cake decorating contest, and the cakes must be delivered at the back door by 7pm for judging and all cakes will be auctioned off.

The first prize winner will get $250, second prize will get $175, and third place winner will get $100. The winners will be announced at 7:30pm.

Adults will also be doing a plastic bag seal skin mitts and chimo plastic knitted cap contest at JSCC.

Tomorrow, Thursday, April 21 at 1-3pm, weather permitting, adults and children will be doing more ice games down on the Harbor.

There will be an “Entertainment Night” tomorrow at 7pm. The night features “David Hart & Band”, “The Beardos”, and other local performers will be singing. There will also be a prize draws for anyone 16 years of age and older of an iPhone 12 Pro Max, gas, stove oil and a $100 bingo card.