Nain Inuit Community Government community update

The OKâlaKatiget spoke with Angajukâk, Joe Dicker this morning for an update.

Dicker mentions that he managed to get some projects done this summer around the community, and gives his thanks the Nunatsiavut Government for the funding.

Dicker mentions that it is a waiting game for a response from the Provincial Government for more projects to be done throughout the winter.

The programs they had this summer was with the towns own money, they got receipts from the Nunatsiavut Government, and it’s going to run out in a couple of days, and the money that they usually gets in the fall isn’t approved for another few weeks, or maybe months, from the provincial government, for more projects in this upcoming winter.

Dicker says they are limited to materials and other items for things in the winter, so craft makings, wooden boxes, and the lumber cost money, and the approval sit awaits.

Dicker gives his deepest thanks to the Nunatsiavut Government for giving the money for wanting things done around the community.

Dicker also mentions that, the fish plant workers didn’t make enough hours, and is advising anyone who needs hours would have to call into the Town Office, and hopefully there is enough money to cover all workers, as there is only so many dollars from the funding.