Nain Mental Health and Addictions Team Events

The Mental Health Team in Nain from the Department of Health and Social Development has couple programs on the go soon.

Elsie Russell is the Mental Health and Addictions Worker for DHSD.

On Saturday, September 9th there is aFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder event. This event they will have an outreach to the school, along with snacks for the students.

On Wednesday, September 13ththere is a World Suicide Prevention Day. At 6pm they will have an opening prayer than a walk down to the Nunatsiavut Government building area on the hotel road than back to the DHSD building.

There will be soup and sandwiches available, along with some T-shirts, Fanny packs, and Gloves to give away.

At 8pm they will have the candle on the window for a flame of hope. There will also be prizes during this event.

Russell adds that they also donated helmets to the daycare children in Nain, the helmets were from the Labrador Regional Wellness Association team.