NG Education Division Art Contest

The Nunatsiavut Government Education Division had an Art Contest for all students in Nunatsiavut from grades K-12.

Yesterday they announced the winners for the Art Contest.

Entries for the contest winners will be used in a student planner development by the education division, and the prizes for each winner got $150.

Students who won we’re Quinn Hunter, Kindergarten student in Hopedale, Paige Evans Rice Grade 2 in Makkovik, Isabelle Lucy Grade 4 in Hopedale, Curtis Winters Grade 5 in Hopedale, Nikita Frieda Grade 6 in Hopedale, and Jamie Pijogge Grade 9 in Hopedale.

Parents/Guardians of these children, please reach out to the Nunatsiavut Government Education Division by emailing, or

Special thanks to Ms. Doris Dicker for encouraging the majority of the entries.