NG Financial Election Campaign

The Nunatsiavut Government’s Election Officer gives the following notice for the benefit of candidates for the Tuesday, May 3 Election for Ordinary Members to the Nunatsiavut Assembly, as well as statements made during a campaign with respect to financial matters:

“Candidates are free to campaign on any type of issue they believe to be important to Inuit in their communities, including platforms on how the Nunatsiavut Government should spend money or other matters of government fiscal policy. However, the Nunatsiavut Election Act prohibits any candidate or other person from inducing a voter to vote for a particular candidate by promising a monetary benefit for any candidate of doing so. Acting in such a manner is not permitted in any way, and is clearly an offence under the Nunatsiavut Election Act.”

“Candidates must be ensure that any communications they may have with voters during the campaign do no lead voters to believe that they will receive a direct financial benefit as a result of voting for the candidate. Voters may also be aware that no candidate is permitted to promise a direct financial benefit to a voter in exchange for voting for the candidate.”

For more Information contact: Nannete Blake, Nunatsiavut Elections Officer, contact number is 1-709-896-5222 or E-Mail: