NG President Offers Condolences on Passing of Inuit Elder, John Jararuse

Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe says he was saddened to hear of the passing of Inuit Elder John Jararuse last evening at the age of 74.

Mr. Jararuse was born in Hebron and was 11 years old when he and other members of the community were relocated after the Moravian Church announced plans to close its missionary. He and his family were among the first to move to Nain.

“John was very passionate about his roots, his culture and in promoting, enhancing and preserving Labrador Inuktut – having served many years as an interpreter/translator for both the Labrador Inuit Association and the Nunatsiavut Government,” notes President Lampe. “He enjoyed his time on the land, was a gifted storyteller, and was always happy to provide his knowledge and advice.”

Mr. Jararuse also served as a member of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Ratification Committee and the Torngat Mountains National Park Co-Management Board and assisted in archaeological research in Hebron over the years.

“John was well-known throughout Nunatsiavut, and will be missed by many,” says President Lampe. “I want to extend my sincere condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time.”