NICG and RCMP BYLAWS on Silencers

The NICG and the Nain RCMP are working together to inform residents about silencers not permitted within the town limit.

We spoke with Sergeant Ed Nugent with the Nain RCMP on February 5th, 2020.

He says this bylaw was put in place from the Nain Inuit Community Government.

This bylaw states that silencers are not permitted in town limits and anyone using a silencer within town limits can get a fine.

We also spoke with Nain AngajukKak, Joe Dicker about the concern.

He says this bylaw has been in place for many years.

And the NICG and the Nain RCMP have been receiving complaints from the community about this issue.

If you are caught using a silencer in town, you will get a convicted fine of $500.

Dicker adds that NICG office has also been getting calls and complaints about the bylaw.

A written letter will be mailed from the NICG office as a warning.

The NICG will be keeping a paper trail of each incident.

If you have any concerns about this bylaw, you can call the Town Office at 922-2842.

If you don’t get a response back, then you can contact the Nain RCMP Detachment at 922-2862.