Plans are under way to construct a new foot bridge for Nain.
Joe Dicker is the AngajukKak for the Nain Inuit Community Government.
He says the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will be designing and constructing the bridge, hopefully starting this fall.
The CAF met with representatives of NICG and NG Saturday to discuss the proposed construction of the bridge.
They also discussed CAF plans for another operation, “NORTHERN SAPPER 16″, in the Nain and Saglek area this coming February.
Dicker said that he will be meeting with the council shortly to talk about temporarily repairing the foot bridge until the armed forces come to build a new one.
Dicker added that they are waiting for people to come up to do repairs on the roof of the multipurpose building.
A meeting is coming up with a Project Manager to get an idea on when they will start moving to the building.
OK Radio will have an update as soon as one is available.